61.  A Benevolent Fund has been established and been able to help an increasing number of members facing hardship.

62.  A bequest of the surplus is called residuary.

63.  A better approach is to adopt a serial approach and solve them over a number of stages.

64.  A better day today, Miss Lavant wrote in her diary, quite a bit of sunshine.

65.  A better solution is for automakers to develop air bags that inflate more slowly, lessening the risk of injury.

66.  A better understanding of the implications and consequences of economic and political development policies is of immediate practical importance.

67.  A better word was values, with its inference of personal choice and personal responsibility.

68.  A bevy of women, old and young, wait their turn to embrace her.

69.  A big attraction of the West Country for many second home owners is the opportunity it offers for waterside living.

70.  A big bed of embers still gleamed in the kitchen chimney, under an iron pot hung from an ancient crane.

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