1.  A ban has been imposed on the hunting and killing of whales.

2.  A bar-goer May sip a single glass of iced tea all night while playing against beer-swilling counterparts.

3.  A brief summary is in order for those of you not inclined to keep track of shenanigans and other assorted tomfoolery.

4.  A cable system has two types of customers-advertisers and consumers who subscribe to a package of programming offered by the cable operator.

5.  A few minutes of rest, and he recovered his oxygen level, although something within felt attenuated.

6.  A general policy not to consult with employees of, say, a particular grade, runs contrary to good industrial relations.

7.  A good hour later, following numerous entanglements of rope in a tree, we arrived safely back to earth.

8.  A literate society is only as competent to face the dangers of the future as our definition of that adjective allows.

9.  A log in the fire broke and fell, sending out a shower of sparks.

10.  A newsletter, an annual exhibition and a directory of X products are also planned.

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