21.  A bald-headed goon in a red blazer shot out of his seat and whacked me on the heel of my left foot.

22.  A ball of green wool was passed around and we used it to bind ourselves together as the singing continued.

23.  A ball of white yarn rolls across the floor.

24.  A ballet dancer who does not practise every day loses a lot of skill, as does a musician.

25.  A ballot will be held and all new applicants will be notified of the result by mid May.

26.  A ban has been imposed on the hunting and killing of whales.

27.  A ban on tobacco industry name-brand sponsorship of sporting events would take effect a year later.

28.  A band of cloud stretched low across the valley and it was raining slightly.

29.  A band of human rights activists stormed the embassy and took several people hostage.

30.  A bank must offer an adequate explanation of all its charges.

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