81.   At Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, reproductive scientist Alan Trounson says he and his colleagues are exploring the Scottish technology as a sideline.

82.   At the end of the first week Agha dismissed the newcomer, saying he was not right for Vogue.

83.   At the same time, Alarcon said he and Katz should be proud of the voter turnout in the race.

84.   At the news conference, Rangel said he and the others had overcome any doubts they had that Ferrer could prevail against his Democratic and Republican rivals.

85.   Atlanta Falcons head coach Dan Reeves said he and his staff are ready for the opening of training camp.

86.   Attorney General Joe Mazurek said he and Gov. Marc Racicot had formed a committee to study the problem.

87.   Attanasio said he and others wondered about Calozza.

88.   Badgley said he and his partner had done more fittings than usual on the models, on whom the dresses clung like wet bathing suits.

89.   Authorities deny the existence of such equipment, so Ashbaugh said he and others monitor the back roads themselves.

90.   Bailey said he and his shipmates failed to destroy the cryptographic equipment because the ship had not been given emergency-destruct explosives.

v. + he >>共 1026
take 2.29%
arrest 1.53%
see 1.50%
accuse 1.46%
kill 1.36%
say 1.12%
replace 1.11%
keep 1.08%
find 1.06%
put 1.04%
say + r. >>共 51
that 18.44%
it 15.58%
what 15.00%
he 10.81%
nothing 6.64%
something 4.76%
anything 4.56%
same 2.98%
this 2.90%
which 2.53%
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