1.   But he realised they needed much more evidence before they could arrest him for murder.

2.   But officers realized that Applewhite fit the description of the shooting suspect and arrested him too, police said.

3.   Did the police have reasonable grounds to arrest him?

4.   During his years as a human rights campaigner he was arrested seven times.

5.   He also frisked drunks and got himself arrested on a vagrancy charge.

6.   He had been arrested at least fifteen times in the preceding five years.

7.   He had been arrested by the secret police on trumped-up charges of spying.

8.   He had been arrested trying to steal lead from the roof of a church.

9.   He has been arrested on racketeering charges.

10.   He was arrested after a two-day crime spree.

v. + he >>共 1026
take 2.29%
arrest 1.53%
see 1.50%
accuse 1.46%
kill 1.36%
say 1.12%
replace 1.11%
keep 1.08%
find 1.06%
put 1.04%
arrest + r. >>共 56
he 47.32%
they 15.35%
who 12.93%
she 5.82%
no_one 3.88%
other 2.46%
anyone 1.55%
that 1.53%
one 0.84%
two 0.68%
每页显示:    共 3864