31.   Although the company still exists, Coit says he and other investors lost money when wholesale prices of salmon fillets suddenly dropped.

32.   Although they were separated by the miles, Buchwald said he and Bombeck talked over the phone frequently.

33.   Ambrose said he and his teammates saw it coming.

34.   Although House Speaker Tom Murphy is supporting Barnes in the election, Barnes said he and Murphy probably would disagree on some issues if he becomes governor.

35.   Although Bocelli says he lives for opera above all, critics remain unconvinced.

36.   Although most exemptions are sensible and should be kept, many others amount to corporate welfare, he said.

37.   Although saying he favored a compromise, Borriello of BB Biotech said he did not think ImClone should agree to terms that would reduce the return to its shareholders.

38.   Although he was an honoree, Faldo said he and caddie Fanny Sunneson solicited autographs from several Hall members.

39.   Although Tandem concedes that bigger databases exist, Pieper said his would cost one-half to one-third as much as comparable systems from other vendors.

40.   Although it was rumored that Jones would sign with UNLV, he said he had yet to decide. . . .

v. + he >>共 1026
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say + r. >>共 51
that 18.44%
it 15.58%
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he 10.81%
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something 4.76%
anything 4.56%
same 2.98%
this 2.90%
which 2.53%
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