61.   Annan said he and his wife had some rules.

62.   Another ex sent his former spouse flowers when she was sick with the flu, with an attached card saying he appreciated what a good mother she was.

63.   Another man, in the central market here, said he and his family had been able to cross after paying Pakistani soldiers.

64.   Anderson said he and Davis agreed they would never subject themselves to such misery again.

65.   Araskog said he and Sternlicht began talking a few weeks ago after Sternlicht showed interest in pursing a transaction.

66.   Arum said he and De La Hoya have not agreed on a multifight deal but added that they would be paired for more than one fight.

67.   Arthur W. Greig, a Manhattan lawyer who represented one indigent homicide defendant last year, said he and other experienced attorneys no longer accepted assignments.

68.   As he said himself, things have changed.

69.   As for the evidence, Forbis said he and the other jurors believed there were so many inconsistencies in the testimony that they could not convict the defendant.

70.   As for potential conflicts about stories she might be reporting, Heyward said he and Johnson would work them out.

v. + he >>共 1026
take 2.29%
arrest 1.53%
see 1.50%
accuse 1.46%
kill 1.36%
say 1.12%
replace 1.11%
keep 1.08%
find 1.06%
put 1.04%
say + r. >>共 51
that 18.44%
it 15.58%
what 15.00%
he 10.81%
nothing 6.64%
something 4.76%
anything 4.56%
same 2.98%
this 2.90%
which 2.53%
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