1.   While it could be very difficult to prove that you were raped before your Marriage, proving Marital rape May be possible.

2.   What if you just got raped by a man with aids.

3.   Are they going to say, oh, my God, you were raped by a black man?

4.   He raped you, Juanita?

5.   Respect for the opposite sex comes fast when you are sitting in an all-male prison where other men will rape you.

6.   They said if you talk with somebody, they kidnap you, they rape you.

7.   They rape you, they kill you.

8.   This explains, for example, why you can constantly misplace your keys but never forget that you were raped.

v. + you >>共 970
tell 4.25%
thank 3.88%
take 2.82%
do 2.37%
see 2.28%
get 2.13%
help 2.08%
put 1.75%
love 1.29%
leave 1.01%
rape 0.03%
rape + r. >>共 24
she 74.30%
they 8.45%
who 6.38%
he 4.40%
i 1.89%
one 0.81%
some 0.81%
you 0.72%
another 0.36%
anyone 0.27%
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