1.   Both said they were raped after being served liquor at fraternity parties, even though they were under the legal drinking age.

2.   But nobody ever said anything about killing the guys who raped them.

3.   But that beings are visiting Earth and absconding with humans, and raping them, Kurtz said, is an extraordinary claim and deserves harder evidence.

4.   DNA taken from five of the six victims during rape exams indicated they had been raped by the same man.

5.   DSS was never contacted about Corby and Nancy Adkinson of Lowell, charged earlier this month with injecting their children with cocaine and repeatedly raping them.

6.   Dozens of expatriate female workers from developing countries have been deported or have fled Gulf states after their employers had beaten or raped them.

7.   During their conversation there, the girls threatened to go to the police and say LeBlanc had raped them, he allegedly told police.

8.   Even though they were raped, beaten or mutilated, the crimes against them were considered private acts rather than grounds for political asylum.

9.   Finally, two other elderly women identified him as the man who had raped them, while three other people said he had attacked them.

10.   For now, her story is the story of all women who have sworn they were raped, only to find that a jury of their peers believed otherwise.

v. + they >>共 1263
take 1.95%
use 1.90%
find 1.26%
see 1.25%
put 1.23%
keep 1.21%
sell 0.97%
protect 0.93%
bring 0.87%
kill 0.82%
rape 0.04%
rape + r. >>共 24
she 74.30%
they 8.45%
who 6.38%
he 4.40%
i 1.89%
one 0.81%
some 0.81%
you 0.72%
another 0.36%
anyone 0.27%
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