1.   Some have been raped by their bosses.

2.   During the riots that followed, many women of Chinese origin were forced to strip by rioters and some were raped in front of many people, she said.

3.   He raped some of them.

4.   Outrageously, some women were sexually abused and even worse, some were inhumanely raped by irresponsible barbarians.

5.   Some were raped in front of their boyfriends, who were tied up by the assailant.

6.   Some also were raped.

7.   The children, mostly recruited from orphanages in Eastern Europe, were abused and some were raped, German police said.

8.   Some were raped, others savagely mutilated.

9.   Some were raped, others burned and savagely mutilated.

v. + some >>共 1630
include 7.32%
have 2.25%
take 2.15%
do 1.98%
get 1.72%
make 1.38%
use 1.27%
give 1.09%
kill 1.03%
find 1.02%
rape 0.11%
rape + r. >>共 24
she 74.30%
they 8.45%
who 6.38%
he 4.40%
i 1.89%
one 0.81%
some 0.81%
you 0.72%
another 0.36%
anyone 0.27%
每页显示:    共 9