11.   He indecently asaulted her and tried to rape her.

12.   The attacker dragged her into bushes and raped her.

13.   There she claimed that the boy, who went to the same school, raped her.

14.   Armed with a knife he told her she was going to die and after ordering her to undress he sexually abused and raped her.

15.   A friend of hers then revealed that four years earlier Manning had twice raped her.

16.   A CHURCH community worker stabbed a teenager in the neck and attempted to rape her in a terrifying ordeal.

17.   You terrified this young woman, you raped her, you threatened her life and those of her children and you took money.

18.   He then ordered her back to the living room where he tried to rape her twice without success.

19.   McKie had become aggressive and although the girl had tried to fight him off, he had raped her before fleeing.

v. + she >>共 1087
take 2.77%
see 1.94%
kill 1.69%
tell 1.46%
rape 1.23%
find 1.22%
help 0.98%
know 0.98%
treat 0.96%
call 0.96%
rape + r. >>共 24
she 74.30%
they 8.45%
who 6.38%
he 4.40%
i 1.89%
one 0.81%
some 0.81%
you 0.72%
another 0.36%
anyone 0.27%
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