1.   Carrie will kill me if I forget her birthday.

2.   I was also aware that he would probably kill me in an instant if he could.

3.   It kills me to see him working so hard.

4.   Not strongly enough to kill me for that, but certainly strongly enough to make killing me satisfying in that respect also.

5.   Suppose I get killed?

6.   That kills me!

7.   The monster had promised to be with me on my wedding night, but he had not planned to kill me.

8.   The suspense is killing me.

v. + i >>共 1017
tell 3.81%
take 2.87%
remind 2.40%
call 1.70%
help 1.64%
ask 1.54%
see 1.48%
get 1.40%
strike 1.39%
hit 1.29%
kill 0.77%
kill + r. >>共 58
he 29.61%
they 15.89%
she 9.74%
who 8.52%
it 3.58%
one 3.41%
other 2.96%
i 2.32%
no_one 2.29%
you 1.98%
每页显示:    共 268