1.   Miraculously, no one was killed.

2.   No one was killed or even harmed, except for the emotional trauma caused by the exaggerated reports of peril.

3.   It is a miracle no one was killed.

4.   No one was killed in the two crashes.

5.   Although no one has been killed in the firebombings, Sarconi said that was only a matter of luck.

6.   Amazingly no one was killed, but both Khan and the younger Hekmati had broken legs and open wounds.

7.   Although no one was killed, he said, some of his workers were so traumatized that they never returned to work.

8.   Amazingly, no one was killed.

9.   Although women in her unit were scraped and bruised, no one was killed or seriously injured.

10.   Awaiting word from the doctors, Cross is told of another bank robbery, but this time no one is killed.

v. + no_one >>共 396
injure 37.16%
arrest 7.06%
kill 5.91%
charge 4.50%
have 3.61%
surprise 2.52%
report 1.90%
find 1.31%
wound 1.22%
hurt 1.13%
kill + r. >>共 58
he 29.61%
they 15.89%
she 9.74%
who 8.52%
it 3.58%
one 3.41%
other 2.96%
i 2.32%
no_one 2.29%
you 1.98%
每页显示:    共 265