1.   As a consequence, Bob Dole is not somebody that they have followed in his career.

2.   Every description needs some sort of logical movement that readers can follow as easily as a street map.

3.   Follow that through for.

4.   Following that, we shall look at three different theoretical accounts of the growth of the service sector in Britain.

5.   He followed that by posting large signs advising tourists not to go under the cataract because of the danger of falling rocks.

6.   In a closed economy, it follows that by definition, Investment is seen as an activity of firms.

7.   In a good report, individual sentences knit together in a clear way that readers can follow.

8.   My attempt to follow that with a lemon curd tart was a bit half-hearted.

9.   The right fork heads more directly to the beach and we follow that.

v. + that >>共 1126
do 8.79%
say 3.78%
use 2.92%
know 1.79%
have 1.58%
include 1.54%
change 1.28%
see 1.26%
take 1.17%
make 1.03%
follow 0.58%
follow + r. >>共 51
he 26.40%
it 15.25%
they 14.43%
that 14.16%
she 8.05%
this 6.43%
which 3.41%
i 2.97%
we 1.74%
you 1.45%
每页显示:    共 736