1.   As they crept along they could not help wondering what they would find.

2.   Before they entered the slave Market or inspected a slave, many slaveholders had well-developed ideas about what they would find there.

3.   Even if I find out now, no one else will know what I find.

4.   Here, though, is a very brief account of what has been done to date and what was found.

5.   Once we have adequate instrumentation and have adopted an internal standard, what do we find?

6.   There were no nappies, so we had to improvise with what we could find.

7.   What would she find at the end of her journey?

8.   You are afraid and full of excitement at thoughts of what you might find.

9.   I went out, armed with my binoculars, to see what I could find in the fields.

10.   You may therefore guess what we find to leeward.

v. + what >>共 330
do 26.27%
say 7.82%
mean 4.93%
see 4.49%
call 4.39%
think 4.08%
want 3.20%
know 3.14%
expect 2.45%
have 2.11%
find 0.67%
find + r. >>共 62
they 20.23%
he 19.16%
it 18.85%
she 5.83%
that 5.48%
one 3.07%
nothing 2.96%
what 2.39%
i 2.24%
something 2.00%
每页显示:    共 334