1.   A few cocktails later, enough to addle my memory, I found myself in bed with Bob.

2.   By refraining I have no doubt I shall receive the silent blessings of the multitude of duffers among whom I find myself.

3.   He would never have found me, because he was not very intelligent.

4.   I find myself extremely pleased to see you again.

5.   I found myself in a grey council estate that faced the river.

6.   I found myself in a smart town square surrounded by glittering bars, hotels and souvenir shops.

7.   I found myself in agreement with the lawyer, for once.

8.   I found myself mentally putting aside half the afternoon for the task as I struggled over the incomprehensible jargon in my handbook.

9.   I found myself stupidly cursing under my breath.

10.   I knew that if I made any sound, they would find me.

v. + i >>共 1017
tell 3.81%
take 2.87%
remind 2.40%
call 1.70%
help 1.64%
ask 1.54%
see 1.48%
get 1.40%
strike 1.39%
hit 1.29%
find 0.90%
find + r. >>共 62
they 20.23%
he 19.16%
it 18.85%
she 5.83%
that 5.48%
one 3.07%
nothing 2.96%
what 2.39%
i 2.24%
something 2.00%
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