41.   He killed me with the death breath.

42.   My legs are killing me.

43.   Although I never thought about harming anyone else when I journeyed that slippery slope, I thought about killing myself a million times.

44.   And my neck was killing me.

45.   And should I be killed,

46.   And with this hat on, they would have killed me.

47.   As I leave, one of his alliance guards says that if I had been the prisoner of this Talib captive, he would surely have killed me.

48.   At the end of the day my feet, ankles and knees are killing me.

49.   Because of my work against them, they have tried to kill me.

50.   Before the home run, they were killing me in the on-deck circle.

v. + i >>共 1017
tell 3.81%
take 2.87%
remind 2.40%
call 1.70%
help 1.64%
ask 1.54%
see 1.48%
get 1.40%
strike 1.39%
hit 1.29%
kill 0.77%
kill + r. >>共 58
he 29.61%
they 15.89%
she 9.74%
who 8.52%
it 3.58%
one 3.41%
other 2.96%
i 2.32%
no_one 2.29%
you 1.98%
每页显示:    共 268