1.   According to reports in the Serbian press, the spokesman asserted that the cargo did not violate the sanctions, but he said it was headed for Libya.

2.   Department officials then sent a letter to RSL saying that it appeared to violate the sanctions and asking for more information, the company said.

3.   In an interview when the penalties were levied, Lindblad said he had intentionally violated the sanctions.

4.   It cleared Rowland of violating the sanctions.

5.   Last October, for example, when State Department officials protested his visit to Libya, saying it violated U.N. sanctions, Mandela made no secret of his fury.

6.   Others were more political, including a call for a ban on international conferences in nations accused of violating sanctions.

7.   The administration says it opposes the arms embargo, but fears the precedent of openly violating sanctions imposed by the Security Council.

8.   The embassy said that aggressive efforts to pursue Americans violating the sanctions would not be taken.

9.   The contacts do not violate the sanctions, although some argue that they undermine its spirit.

10.   The Treasury Department is investigating whether a U.S. oil company, Conoco, violated sanctions in dealing Iran, Clinton administration officials said Thursday.

v. + sanction >>共 408
impose 20.74%
lift 19.12%
ease 3.81%
face 3.39%
threaten 3.22%
maintain 2.17%
suspend 2.14%
end 1.85%
violate 1.52%
consider 1.50%
violate + n. >>共 357
law 23.09%
rule 10.25%
right 5.48%
agreement 4.39%
constitution 2.73%
regulation 2.58%
airspace 2.43%
term 2.32%
probation 1.94%
sanction 1.68%
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