1.   The UN threatened economic sanctions against the regime.

2.   However, no ultimatums were issued concerning the withdrawal of the declarations, nor were sanctions threatened similar to those being applied to Lithuania.

3.   And the federal government has threatened sanctions against California doctors who provide candid medical advice to patients about the medical use of marijuana.

4.   A year ago, Clinton played up that role as trade warrior, threatening sanctions against Japan to open possibilities for U.S. automakers.

5.   A year ago, the United States threatened sanctions against Japanese luxury cars in a dispute over American access to the Japanese auto and auto parts markets.

6.   Also, U.S. officials are threatening trade sanctions.

7.   China also threatened similar moves last year when U.S. sanctions were threatened.

8.   China threatened similar moves last year when U.S. sanctions were threatened.

9.   Clinton was threatening punitive sanctions on Japanese luxury car exports to America, and the administration seemed to see barriers to U.S. cars selling in Japan everywhere they looked.

10.   Currency traders scrambled to sell dollars as the Clinton administration once again threatened sanctions against Japan if the current round of automobile trade talks fail.

v. + sanction >>共 408
impose 20.74%
lift 19.12%
ease 3.81%
face 3.39%
threaten 3.22%
maintain 2.17%
suspend 2.14%
end 1.85%
violate 1.52%
consider 1.50%
threaten + n. >>共 1339
action 5.20%
sanction 3.29%
life 2.90%
security 2.82%
stability 2.18%
retaliation 2.07%
strike 2.04%
attack 1.94%
veto 1.46%
violence 1.40%
每页显示:    共 252