1.   Arispe said Robertson also has violated the terms of his probation by being arrested on four different charges since April.

2.   As a result, the immigration system provides no reliable means of finding potential terrorists who have violated the terms of their visas.

3.   Because of his financial frauds, the government determined that he had violated the terms of his cooperation agreement and waived his immunity from price-fixing charges.

4.   Best Buy last week said it received a waiver for a bank loan whose terms it had violated.

5.   A year after his release, McDuff returned to prison for violating the terms of his parole.

6.   After he is sentenced, a judge in Indianapolis is expected to rule on whether he violated the terms of his parole.

7.   But if he violates the terms of the ruling he could be sent to prison.

8.   But Matthews violated the terms of that sentence by failing to report to corrections officials, court documents say.

9.   But RSA now says that PGP is violating the terms of the license agreement.

10.   CINCINNATI - Cincinnati Reds chief executive Marge Schott has been told to stay away from Riverfront Stadium by the National League for apparently violating terms of her suspension agreement.

v. + term >>共 425
use 8.03%
serve 5.82%
disclose 5.43%
violate 4.90%
discuss 3.55%
seek 3.49%
accept 3.28%
extend 2.45%
define 2.45%
renegotiate 2.30%
violate + n. >>共 357
law 23.09%
rule 10.25%
right 5.48%
agreement 4.39%
constitution 2.73%
regulation 2.58%
airspace 2.43%
term 2.32%
probation 1.94%
sanction 1.68%
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