51.   The proposal was submitted three months after the consortium had successfully appealed for the use of Mercedes Benz cars.

52.   The scientist, who has a doctorate in thermonuclear physics from a British university, successfully appealed a deportation order after a two-year legal fight.

53.   The soldiers who opened fire that day have successfully appealed to have their identities concealed and evidence taken in London.

54.   They successfully appealed to their followers to keep down campaign-related violence, but tainted the campaign lately with racist appeals.

55.   They successfully appealed to their followers to keep down campaign-related violence, but the campaign has been tainted lately by racist appeals.

56.   In an unusual move for Canada, prosecutors successfully appealed that verdict and Morin was convicted at a second trial.

57.   Convicted in a wildly publicized trial of the brutal murder, Sheppard successfully appealed and was acquitted in a second trial.

58.   Federation police chief Mujo Basic appealed successfully for the Moslems, outnumbering the heavily-armed Serbs, to show restraint.

59.   Mann successfully appealed for more time for a psychiatric report and a statement from Saini to be prepared.

d. + appeal >>共 243
also 29.09%
still 3.61%
again 3.16%
repeatedly 3.03%
immediately 2.89%
successfully 2.66%
not 2.30%
now 2.26%
then 2.26%
probably 2.08%
successfully + v. >>共 973
defend 4.57%
complete 3.65%
use 3.21%
argue 2.59%
sue 2.32%
test 1.77%
lobby 1.69%
launch 1.69%
fight 1.50%
prosecute 1.38%
appeal 1.23%
每页显示:    共 59