1.   Graham was repeatedly warned not to work so hard.

2.   And Pasqua has repeatedly warned that Muslim activists are making inroads among many young Arab immigrants.

3.   And the monitoring of fluids, so important during an operation, was so lax that Mrs. Smart became perilously bloated, even though nurses repeatedly warned the doctors.

4.   Another top Bush adviser, Thomas D. Rath, has repeatedly warned Bush about the way New Hampshire voters tend to move quickly in the final days.

5.   Arab leaders have repeatedly warned that a failure to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict could ultimately lead to a wider regional conflict.

6.   As general secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches in Beirut, Dr. Riad Jarjour has repeatedly warned Christian denominations of falling numbers in the region.

7.   As nutritionists have repeatedly warned, those who eat too much fat increase their risk of heart disease and of breast, colon and prostate cancer.

8.   Athletes are warned repeatedly not to take nutritional supplements for this very reason.

9.   At the time Pyongyang repeatedly warned that it would consider any sanctions as acts of war.

10.   Before the institute acted, all three were warned repeatedly about paying their taxes, officials said.

d. + warn >>共 250
also 43.88%
repeatedly 9.17%
already 3.84%
earlier 2.36%
again 1.97%
recently 1.74%
however 1.55%
here 1.41%
reportedly 1.27%
long 1.11%
repeatedly + v. >>共 745
say 11.17%
deny 6.02%
call 3.32%
accuse 3.20%
warn 2.56%
ask 2.38%
reject 1.70%
refuse 1.70%
try 1.69%
threaten 1.42%
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