1.   Tension continued between the EC and the United States, which repeatedly accused the EC of unfair practices.

2.   Moldova had repeatedly accused these forces of fighting on the side of Slav separatists in the Dnestr conflict.

3.   Each side repeatedly accused the other of ceasefire violations.

4.   And previous board members have been repeatedly accused of trading jobs for political favors, seeking payoffs and putting relatives on the payroll.

5.   And, they repeatedly accused China of conspiring with Democrats to funnel money into campaigns.

6.   Apparently, it was also news to Reagan, who had repeatedly accused the Libyan leader for helping terrorists.

7.   As if the two men were conducting a virtual debate, Vallone repeatedly accused the governor of taking credit for successes that were not his.

8.   As one bill after another perished in the Senate last week, Democrats repeatedly accused Republican senators of obstructionism.

9.   A weakened Boeing would likely revive trade tensions between the European Union and Washington, which has repeatedly accused France, Germany and Britain of unfairly subsidizing Airbus.

10.   Ailes has repeatedly accused CNN of trying to copy Fox techniques.

d. + accuse >>共 272
also 44.22%
repeatedly 7.08%
often 5.13%
long 4.09%
falsely 2.16%
publicly 1.77%
frequently 1.70%
widely 1.69%
in_turn 1.69%
never 1.47%
repeatedly + v. >>共 745
say 11.17%
deny 6.02%
call 3.32%
accuse 3.20%
warn 2.56%
ask 2.38%
reject 1.70%
refuse 1.70%
try 1.69%
threaten 1.42%
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