1.   Anderson repeatedly refused to predict when the company will move back into the black.

2.   BRITISH Coal chairman Neil Clarke was repeatedly refused a meeting with employment secretary Gillian Shephard to discuss the effects of pit closures, MPs were told yesterday.

3.   Although he did not say nuclear weapons were ready for deployment, he repeatedly refused to rule out that possibility.

4.   Ashcroft repeatedly refused to answer the questions, court records show.

5.   Bezwoda repeatedly refused to provide the missing charts.

6.   According to Mullinax, numerous district officials were slow in cooperating with investigators, and some repeatedly refused to comply with demands for documents.

7.   According to the medical records, Busch repeatedly refused to admit he was ill or to take his medication during his hospital stays.

8.   All of the Freemen have repeatedly refused to participate in their defense.

9.   Bush, son of the former president, repeatedly refused to promise to serve a full four-year term as governor.

d. + refuse >>共 365
also 16.91%
so_far 8.47%
to_hand 5.87%
still 5.51%
steadfastly 4.25%
repeatedly 4.10%
initially 3.80%
when 2.46%
simply 2.23%
again 1.99%
repeatedly + v. >>共 745
say 11.17%
deny 6.02%
call 3.32%
accuse 3.20%
warn 2.56%
ask 2.38%
reject 1.70%
refuse 1.70%
try 1.69%
threaten 1.42%
每页显示:    共 261