1.   The consortium warns however that at present it lacks the finances to shift the project into a full-scale development phase.

2.   Environmentalists warn however that the generation of electricity required to produce the hydrogen will still cause pollution.

3.   Other activists warned however that the government might raise new funds for the central engineering work by diverting money from the planned resettlement programme.

4.   Analysts warned however, that given the cyclical nature of the business, oil company profits might not hold up for the remainder of the year.

5.   Clinton administration officials, warn however, that any new tax cuts must be paid for by offsetting spending cuts, and cannot increase the deficit.

6.   However Raviv was warned repeatedly to mend his ways.

7.   A dealer however warned that volatility in the next few sessions cannot be ruled out as Bank Negara is also expected to release its annual report next week.

8.   Acuk however warned against pushing the government for radical political reform and immediate leadership succession by mobilizing starving people to riot.

9.   Fischler warned however, such tactics had to come to an end.

10.   However she warned that the road ahead is fraught with economic pitfalls.

d. + warn >>共 250
also 43.88%
repeatedly 9.17%
already 3.84%
earlier 2.36%
again 1.97%
recently 1.74%
however 1.55%
here 1.41%
reportedly 1.27%
long 1.11%
however + v. >>共 915
say 12.90%
be 12.47%
have 2.50%
add 1.80%
remain 1.74%
deny 1.58%
do 1.49%
note 1.29%
warn 1.22%
stress 1.18%
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