81.   A. The bat probably got into the bathoom from the attic or other nook in which it was hibernating.

82.   Actually, Reznor would probably get a kick out of that image.

83.   Adolph probably got as much production as he should have from his personnel.

84.   After I got the first two outs, I started sniffing the end and probably got a little jumpy.

85.   After he drove into a tree this past week, the Patriots probably should get him a chauffeur.

86.   Ah, but with muck, you probably can get a college degree in Chicken Poop Design.

87.   All three will probably get time as Sampson gets his final chance to experiment against a world-class side.

88.   Brown, who asked to be put on the list, will probably get a fresh start with one of the expansion clubs.

89.   Brus was known for his shock tactics, but the organizers probably got more than they bargained for.

90.   Brokers said Signature probably got a good deal because the previous tenants spent thousands of dollars on improvements to the building.

d. + get >>共 341
also 8.83%
never 7.96%
how 6.02%
just 5.65%
finally 4.00%
only 3.24%
where 3.01%
still 2.89%
even 2.75%
now 2.38%
probably 1.17%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
go 1.77%
make 1.75%
do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
will 1.28%
know 1.23%
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