61.   And she probably got tired of it.

62.   And the way Brown sees it, Sanders, you will probably get to know him better today.

63.   And we probably would get more financial aid if Sherry and I were to divorce.

64.   And you should probably also get it if you live with a high-risk person.

65.   And will probably get worse.

66.   As a grad student, you probably get a bit better education for your dollar.

67.   As a very strong Introvert, you probably get most of your energy from your own thoughts, and you prefer to spend a lot of quality time alone.

68.   As the population grows, the water problem will probably get worse.

69.   As is usually the case, little guys, who like to buy books online through Amazon.com, probably got stuck holding the bag.

70.   At some point, though, Kim will probably get a shot at closing games for the Diamondbacks.

d. + get >>共 341
also 8.83%
never 7.96%
how 6.02%
just 5.65%
finally 4.00%
only 3.24%
where 3.01%
still 2.89%
even 2.75%
now 2.38%
probably 1.17%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
go 1.77%
make 1.75%
do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
will 1.28%
know 1.23%
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