1.   A peahen, on the other hand, does not even get such protection.

2.   A sexy female boss hiding dark family secrets from her past and using her street smarts to get even.

3.   Be patient if you have to wade through a sea of red tape before you even get to the starting line.

4.   Besides, he reasoned, he might even get closer to solving the crime this way.

5.   He would never talk about anything, discuss problems or even get involved in arguments with her.

6.   It even gets a touch gory when Russell comes over all Rambo and starts slitting throats.

7.   Politics has got so expensive that it takes lots of money to even get beat with nowadays.

8.   See you know I set up the printer, the computer, even get a cord to connect them.

9.   The case even got a mention in some of the national newspapers.

d. + get >>共 341
also 8.83%
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where 3.01%
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even + v. >>共 989
have 4.75%
be 3.93%
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go 1.18%
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