1.   Finding it was determined not to return the fire until after breakfast, I remained in bed.

2.   The directive also applies to objects not returned at the end of a lawful temporary export.

3.   The men called to pick up their holiday pay and were told not to return in the New Year.

4.   Sara told him to take all his things and not to return.

5.   Jack enjoyed this work, but with so many less experienced pilots going to fight and not returning he wanted to do more than circuits and bumps!

6.   So it seems fair not to return the deposit.

7.   Harry Fry, John Ross and Jimmy Rutherford, ordinary Scots who went off to fight for a cause in Spain and who were not to return.

8.   And while her parents were distraught, Louise decided not to return to make up the work for her diploma, instead banking all her fortunes on running.

9.   Another girl was suspended Monday for wearing a Confederate T-shirt after being warned not to return to school with one.

10.   Another put a nurse on report for not returning a salute on a crowded Paris street.

d. + return >>共 291
immediately 17.76%
never 6.80%
then 5.62%
later 5.12%
when 4.66%
just 4.47%
also 4.31%
recently 2.74%
now 2.49%
not 2.27%
not + v. >>共 860
be 12.85%
do 7.56%
have 4.06%
mention 2.22%
take 1.82%
make 1.46%
will 1.39%
say 1.34%
go 1.20%
know 1.20%
return 0.35%
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