1.   Another necessary step involves helping to educate those who are less interested and less likely to make an effort to educate themselves.

2.   Even popular magazine articles recognize that there are appropriate steps necessary to being happy.

3.   It will not prejudice his claim in any way if he takes all necessary steps to minimise and contain his loss.

4.   Just as only a caterpillar can become a butterfly, the formal stage seems a necessary developmental step to the skilful stage.

5.   Mistakesmissteps-are necessary for actualizing your vision, and necessary steps toward success.

6.   Reprocessing is a necessary first step towards recycling nuclear fuel.

7.   Sometimes mistakes are necessary steps toward actualizing your goals.

8.   The president should take the necessary steps of raising taxes and cutting public spending.

a. + step >>共 566
first 21.66%
next 12.03%
important 3.07%
major 2.72%
big 2.08%
small 1.90%
unusual 1.78%
closer 1.57%
necessary 1.49%
such 1.47%
necessary + n. >>共 1202
step 4.82%
measure 2.01%
equipment 1.94%
information 1.83%
change 1.81%
condition 1.70%
skill 1.46%
permit 1.35%
if 1.35%
document 1.31%
每页显示:    共 259