1.   But it was also a big step on the stairway to the stars.

2.   Find her, they say, and you take a big step toward finding the elusive Bishop.

3.   Her first big step towards a career in movies was her move to Hollywood.

4.   I admit, Marriage is a big step.

5.   I am increasingly convinced that a comprehensive test ban would be a big step to take in curbing proliferation.

6.   I had to take many big steps to stay with him, and still fell behind.

7.   Of course, starting the job-search is always a big step.

8.   That is a big step forward, because parents will then be able to use examination results to challenge schools to improve.

9.   That would be a big step forward.

10.   The Declaration which we have just signed is a big step forward for both of our nations.

a. + step >>共 566
first 21.66%
next 12.03%
important 3.07%
major 2.72%
big 2.08%
small 1.90%
unusual 1.78%
closer 1.57%
necessary 1.49%
such 1.47%
big + n. >>共 1140
company 2.24%
city 2.08%
play 2.02%
difference 1.40%
man 1.37%
part 1.27%
problem 1.26%
one 1.22%
question 1.16%
hit 1.03%
step 0.64%
每页显示:    共 363