1.   Beginning to think about how their reactions affect the child can be an important step.

2.   Buying your first home is a very important step.

3.   Developing Criteria An important step in the development of a quality assurance system is to prepare criteria.

4.   In constructing a price index, there are two important initial steps.

5.   Legislation could still be a long way off but the proposals are an important first step.

6.   Marriage is a very important step to take.

7.   Re-thinking our management techniques would be an important step in the right direction.

8.   Supporters like Jim Cummins maintain that heritage language teaching is an important step in helping immigrant students realize their potential.

a. + step >>共 566
first 21.66%
next 12.03%
important 3.07%
major 2.72%
big 2.08%
small 1.90%
unusual 1.78%
closer 1.57%
necessary 1.49%
such 1.47%
important + n. >>共 921
thing 5.53%
role 4.50%
part 3.91%
issue 3.80%
step 2.31%
factor 2.27%
point 1.31%
question 1.28%
source 1.28%
element 1.01%
每页显示:    共 536