1.   Although genetically modified fruits and vegetables have been approved for sale, the expense of using modified seeds makes this less likely.

2.   And a majority of the products made from modified seeds are not used in food, but instead in such things as paint and animal feed.

3.   Also, some genetically modified seed can be left in barges or trucks that are later used to carry nonmodified crops.

4.   Concern over the accidental planting of genetically modified seed on several farms in Europe reached fever pitch last week.

5.   Corn and soybeans are the major crops grown from genetically modified seed.

6.   Europe has been shaken by some cases this year in which genetically modified seeds were planted by farmers who thought they were growing nonmodified crops.

7.   European customers have reportedly already started asking for Brazilian soybeans because modified seeds are illegal there.

8.   Farmers who have been planting genetically modified seeds, meanwhile, have begun wondering whether they are worth the trouble.

9.   Genetically modified seeds have been biologically altered to release their own insecticide or to immunize themselves against weed killers and other chemicals or against pests.

10.   If Europe is virtually allergic to the genetically modified seeds that are so popular with North American farmers, it got a reason this week to sneeze with fury.

a. + seed >>共 515
top 25.29%
second 7.04%
third 4.23%
fourth 4.05%
fifth 3.91%
sunflower 3.36%
sixth 2.79%
eighth 2.24%
seventh 2.16%
poppy 1.95%
modified 1.21%
modified + n. >>共 334
food 13.89%
crop 8.93%
version 8.09%
corn 5.11%
organism 3.66%
seed 3.21%
soybean 2.52%
product 2.44%
plant 2.14%
form 2.06%
每页显示:    共 42