1.   A variety of genetically modified corn not approved in Europe for any use has been found in food in two European countries, an environmental group said Monday.

2.   Earlier today, the U.K. food and drink industry said retailers will begin voluntary labeling of foods containing genetically modified corn and soybean products, beginning in January.

3.   Earlier this year, an influential study of the environmental impact of genetically modified corn found that it was killing the monarch butterfly in the middle of America.

4.   EPA RULES AGAINST MODIFIED CORN The Environmental Protection Agency has decided not to let even trace amounts of genetically modified StarLink corn into human food, officials said.

5.   Europe does not require such oils to labeled, even if they are made from genetically modified corn or soy.

6.   Fears about genetically modified corn were raised last spring when it was reported that pollen from the new crop killed monarch butterfly larvae in a laboratory experiment.

7.   Genetically modified corn seed fights the corn borer, and a new gene being developed will resist corn rootworm, another destructive pest.

8.   Genetically modified corn not approved for human consumption has shown up in taco shells, tortillas and snack chips to date.

9.   Glickman is also expected to press the EU to establish rules on accepting applications to sell genetically modified corn and soybean seeds in Europe.

10.   Greenpeace, calling the contamination a form of genetic pollution, is calling on Mexico to ban all importation of genetically modified corn.

a. + corn >>共 416
modified 5.97%
engineered 4.36%
fresh 3.38%
altered 2.32%
yellow 2.05%
dried 1.78%
creamed 1.78%
white 1.60%
higher 1.51%
american 1.51%
modified + n. >>共 334
food 13.89%
crop 8.93%
version 8.09%
corn 5.11%
organism 3.66%
seed 3.21%
soybean 2.52%
product 2.44%
plant 2.14%
form 2.06%
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