1.   Although using genetically modified products, once banned, is now permitted, Swiss consumers have vigorously opposed it, making sales here rather difficult.

2.   A further proposal requiring labeling on all food containing such modified products is being discussed, he said.

3.   A recent Cornell University study, for example, shows that pollen from a genetically modified product called Bt corn is toxic to monarch butterflies.

4.   According to Brazilian law, the commission has to review operations that involve the import of genetically modified products.

5.   According to Chilean law, genetically modified products cannot be grown for internal consumption.

6.   But with one congressional bill already pending to require mandatory labeling and European countries refusing to import genetically modified products, activists think the tide is turning their way.

7.   Currently, genetically modified product developers consult the agency only on a voluntary basis.

8.   In March, for example, the Agriculture Department announced stringent new standards for organic foods, making it impossible for genetically modified products to be labeled organic.

9.   In December, a joint U.S.-European Community group urged mandatory labeling of genetically modified products, which many food processors oppose because it might scare off consumers.

10.   It is a genetically modified EPO product that lasts longer, which means patients have to come in less often for treatment.

a. + product >>共 1193
new 12.90%
domestic 3.88%
gross 3.54%
dairy 2.76%
agricultural 2.43%
finished 1.94%
japanese 1.10%
similar 1.02%
american 0.97%
industrial 0.97%
modified 0.16%
modified + n. >>共 334
food 13.89%
crop 8.93%
version 8.09%
corn 5.11%
organism 3.66%
seed 3.21%
soybean 2.52%
product 2.44%
plant 2.14%
form 2.06%
每页显示:    共 32