1.   Under a modified form of proportional representation, seats were allocated in proportion to votes won within each of these multi-member constituencies.

2.   This observation is applicable to GIS in a modified form.

3.   Experimentally this is difficult to measure, and an extrapolation procedure has been devised which makes use of a modified form of equation for large particles,

4.   In a modified form the ER creates the nuclear membrane.

5.   A few may eventually make it across the Atlantic in somewhat modified form, though for now a passport is required for sampling any of these diminutive driving machines.

6.   A few of the communes, where people lived together as an extended family, still exist, although in modified form.

7.   But if it keeps going this way, you can look for instant replay to return in the future in some modified form.

8.   Each of these provisions, in modified form, is contained in the House version of the bill, which the administration says it supports.

9.   House Republicans would keep it, though in a modified form.

10.   In a modified form, it has survived into this secular age.

a. + form >>共 1044
new 4.73%
different 2.77%
top 2.24%
current 1.87%
common 1.78%
good 1.57%
human 1.28%
present 1.27%
rare 1.20%
traditional 0.94%
modified 0.24%
modified + n. >>共 334
food 13.89%
crop 8.93%
version 8.09%
corn 5.11%
organism 3.66%
seed 3.21%
soybean 2.52%
product 2.44%
plant 2.14%
form 2.06%
每页显示:    共 27