71.   But he took an important step by returning to competition.

72.   But his opponents say that holding him accountable for his actions is an important step toward creating a civilian-run democracy based on the rule of law.

73.   But in the absence of a truly comprehensive regulatory regime, there are several important steps that can be taken to prevent the death toll from rising.

74.   But Police Commissioner Howard Safir insisted yesterday that the campaign marked an important step in changing the nature of interactions between the police and the public.

75.   But she did benefit from the increasingly potent political organizations representing gay interests, which saw her showing as an important step toward eliminating bias at the ballot box.

76.   But Michael Posner, executive director of the lawyers committee, said the agreement was an important first step to hold companies accountable.

77.   But the articles describing the claim have not yet been accepted for publication, an important step in the validation of scientific claims.

78.   But the most important step you can take, said Ghannam, is to make the most of the sun.

79.   But the statement added that the government action could well be an important step in bringing an end to the dispute.

80.   But this time around, starting Saturday, Gwynn believes the Padres can take an important step toward turning some heads and altering perceptions.

a. + step >>共 566
first 21.66%
next 12.03%
important 3.07%
major 2.72%
big 2.08%
small 1.90%
unusual 1.78%
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important + n. >>共 921
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