31.   Gemmell just kept in by Crosby and it comes again to Gemmell.

32.   Traditional expectations and traditional assurances could again come to the fore.

33.   Dream on, dream homes, until I come again!

34.   A lick of colour pulsed out of the engine, dissolved, came again and grew strong.

35.   The subject of rue Roland did not come up again in the course of the evening until Loretta was stepping into a taxi for Islington outside the restaurant.

36.   You can teach me next time, maybe, whenever I come again.

37.   Go around and come in again.

38.   The footsteps came again, then started up the stairs.

39.   She stood back and acknowledged the applause of the crowd as the lights came on again and we were able to concentrate on our dessert.

40.   Then we all came together again to go through the material before we started to teach it.

d. + come >>共 439
also 7.80%
never 4.13%
first 3.88%
now 3.72%
when 3.56%
where 2.81%
then 2.75%
still 2.32%
later 2.29%
just 2.03%
again 1.58%
again + v. >>共 948
meet 4.37%
be 4.03%
do 3.07%
try 3.06%
play 2.19%
happen 1.92%
see 1.73%
run 1.61%
go 1.47%
come 1.40%
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