1.   After a two-week rest I was ready to start running again.

2.   Again he ran his gaze down his reflection from shoulder to loins.

3.   Again he ran his left hand through his hair, but this time he felt a tingle of anticipation.

4.   He got up and started running again.

5.   He kept his reputation intact to run again another day, with a different result.

6.   His successors never again ran the town, as he did, but they always had a piece of the action.

7.   It took a whole day to get the computers running again.

8.   Less than one-fourth of those petition signers said they would vote for Perot if he runs again this year.

9.   Olive dashed into the room, grabbed her bag, and ran out again.

10.   President Hashemi Rafsanjani, a highly popular figure, chose not to run again.

d. + run >>共 515
also 7.74%
now 4.16%
again 4.08%
still 3.32%
high 3.26%
not 2.53%
aground 2.08%
then 1.90%
never 1.84%
just 1.80%
again + v. >>共 948
meet 4.37%
be 4.03%
do 3.07%
try 3.06%
play 2.19%
happen 1.92%
see 1.73%
run 1.61%
go 1.47%
come 1.40%
每页显示:    共 701