1.   And then it happened again, and Kate had another twenty-four hours of the shakes.

2.   But differences over valuation scuppered the deal-that could happen again.

3.   He has got to assure Congress that it will never happen again.

4.   He has spoken sharply to Mr Dach about it and has received his assurance that such a thing will never happen again.

5.   He told those responsible their hamlet would burn if it happened again.

6.   He was determined never to let that mistake happen again.

7.   How can we be sure a disaster of this kind will not happen again?

8.   I do not want this to happen again!

9.   I hope that clear guidance can be given in case this happens again.

d. + happen >>共 311
never 9.17%
again 6.42%
just 5.77%
next 5.00%
here 3.85%
often 3.01%
also 2.91%
ever 2.91%
really 2.84%
now 2.43%
again + v. >>共 948
meet 4.37%
be 4.03%
do 3.07%
try 3.06%
play 2.19%
happen 1.92%
see 1.73%
run 1.61%
go 1.47%
come 1.40%
每页显示:    共 834