21.   Later he came to work at the house which was his first entry into Local Government.

22.   We intend to participate fully in the promised review of housing revenue account expenditure which is er coming later in this year.

23.   But, to her astonishment, a moment later there came a knock on her door.

24.   They were only supposed to do a half-hour spot, coming back later to do another set.

25.   She was in the staff lounge making herself a drink when he came in half an hour later.

26.   Mrs Hobden went into the kitchen, and a few minutes later she came through the doorway carrying a tray.

27.   Perhaps it would be easier for you if I came back later.

28.   Perhaps it would be better if I came back later.

d. + come >>共 439
also 7.80%
never 4.13%
first 3.88%
now 3.72%
when 3.56%
where 2.81%
then 2.75%
still 2.32%
later 2.29%
just 2.03%
later + v. >>共 882
say 4.99%
release 3.32%
die 2.96%
come 2.37%
find 2.24%
be 1.96%
become 1.94%
return 1.63%
meet 1.60%
take 1.22%
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