1.   A few days later I found some use-them-once plastic hypodermics in the medicine cabinet.

2.   Five minutes later found me flinching and clenching.

3.   Five months later he was found dead in his garage, having hanged himself.

4.   He used some such expression in the text of an unpublished essay that I later found at Harvard.

5.   Her body was later found hidden in the bushes.

6.   His claims were later found to be false.

7.   His friend Andre Leota was later found shot dead on waste ground.

8.   I dismissed him as quickly as I could and later found that he had gone to drink himself into a drunken stupor.

9.   Instead, he drove off and was later found dead by police after she raised the alarm.

d. + find >>共 344
also 19.46%
where 4.97%
never 4.55%
later 3.62%
still 3.39%
now 2.88%
only 2.65%
often 2.37%
finally 2.20%
there 1.71%
later + v. >>共 882
say 4.99%
release 3.32%
die 2.96%
come 2.37%
find 2.24%
be 1.96%
become 1.94%
return 1.63%
meet 1.60%
take 1.22%
每页显示:    共 834