1.   Guerrilla fighters seized the hospital yesterday, taking patients and staff hostage, although several dozen were later released.

2.   She was later released from the hospital and is making good progress recovering at home, a hospital spokeswoman said.

3.   The first photographs should be released later in the day.

4.   The police had questioned three youths, but then later released them without charge.

5.   They were later released after their commanders promised there would be no further incidents, said duty officer Paulino Cardoso.

6.   They were later released pending reports to the youth and community service.

d. + release >>共 350
later 15.11%
also 9.72%
immediately 8.03%
today 4.80%
then 4.04%
soon 3.67%
yet 2.82%
just 2.15%
when 1.99%
recently 1.87%
later + v. >>共 882
say 4.99%
release 3.32%
die 2.96%
come 2.37%
find 2.24%
be 1.96%
become 1.94%
return 1.63%
meet 1.60%
take 1.22%
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