11.   Access to the power station has always been severely restricted.

12.   Adobe has always been highly protective of its source code, turning down deals rather than share it.

13.   After fleeing Illinois for Utah, the Mormons had always been obsessed with finding escape routes to the sea.

14.   After his arrest people realized that there had always been a darker side to his nature.

15.   Alex has always been a bit of a rebel.

16.   All those cups of tea do add up and the fridge is always there ready to beckon when a hunger pang lingers.

17.   Allowing that possibility has always been the chief point of the juvenile justice system.

18.   Although he might well spend his days in one place, obsessively devoted to music-making, he would always be morally underemployed.

19.   Although the formal agenda item is always very useful, perhaps even more beneficial is the process of sharing.

d. + be >>共 431
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where 3.06%
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always + v. >>共 809
be 24.15%
have 6.08%
do 2.01%
want 1.93%
seem 1.89%
know 1.41%
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go 1.27%
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look 1.17%
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