81.  Didn't smoke or drink or anything.

82.  Diesel trucks are Belgians or Clydesdales, not thoroughbreds or quarter horses.

83.  Diners expect the affable Italian speaking with a lilting accent, or the ebullient American, or the French chef who speaks with a raised eyebrow.

84.  Diners know chives best as the green topping on a baked potato or soup, the flavor mate to sour cream, the accent in butters and cheese spreads.

85.  Despite what most people say, including the Nevada State Athletic Commission, they don't care about Tyson's troubles or reputed character flaws or Holyfield's ear.

86.  Dessert was no longer a slice of cake or an individual souffle, but a synthesis of flavors and components.

87.  Dinner is a lingering half-hour before an evening of homework, then another hour or so tuning and waxing a few pair of skis for training the next day.

88.  Dinner menus, for example, include grilled grouper or shrimp scampi and black bean ravioli with lemon zucchini sauce; lunch includes soup and hot sandwiches.

89.  Dinner might start with a hearty soup or fish and appetizer of biltong or rock lobster tails.

90.  Direct foreign investment is money spent on building or purchasing factories and buying equipment.

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