91.  Anything goes on today's uniforms, which usually includes a dash or stripe of purple, red or black, this year's popular colors.

92.  Direct Hanks in a movie, carry a major film by himself or act and direct onstage?

93.  Discussing his sidearm, or three-quarters, delivery, Cone said: "It's something I've always featured.

94.  Diseased plants should be burned or destroyed, but not composted.

95.  Disney, which just completed its takeover of the Angels, would be brought in by Ogden to assist in operations or marketing, a source said.

96.  Day suggests stifling it or covering your mouth if that doesn't work _ and graciously excusing yourself.

97.  Display your best or most prized pieces and store the others.

98.  Disposable diapers are 35 years old, but the pulpy pads of the past have been superseded by diapers that breathe, don't leak or smell and absorb more.

99.  Ditto disputes over federal regulations, or grazing rights, or pollution standards.

100.  Divested of our illusions, we need not look for Prince Charming, or imagine ourselves as earth mothers, or romanticize such concepts as devotion and commitment.

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