71.  Different types of pumpkins are needed for carving or painting jack-o'-lanterns and cooking.

72.  Despite the easing of some restrictions, hugging and kissing between men is still much more rare than between men and women, or women and women.

73.  Dassault shares rose as much as 11 percent, or 36 francs, to 339 francs, its biggest-ever one-day increase.

74.  Diced smoked ham, cooked turkey or chicken breast and other meats from the deli case also provide quick sources of protein.

75.  Digital TV recorders, which allow viewers to pause or stop their favorite shows and replay them later, have also sold more sluggishly than expected.

76.  Did they prefer sharp angles or soft curves, geometric patterns or random uneven patterns?

77.  Did you ever call or write or visit with respect to racial profiling when they brought it to your attention?

78.  Did you know that with absolutely no knowledge or skill, and $500, you can make a nice $200 set?

79.  Did you treat the departing workers with dignity, or fire them by e-mail and give them 15 minutes to clear out of the office?

80.  Didion's essays (her fiction, too) have been called nihilistic or mannered or neurasthenic.

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