61.  Although it has a population of 1.3 million, Nassau County has no real Main Street or Broadway, or even a sense of a central core.

62.  Artificial chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, once ubiquitous in aerosol spray cans and air-conditioner coolant, cause a chain of reactions that destroy ozone.

63.  Did tool benches or flats boats or wood ducks or Ohio State football games get in the way too often?

64.  Did your mother have breast cancer or heart disease, your father high blood pressure or colon cancer?

65.  Daro points to high school teachers with advanced placement classes in English or math or science.

66.  Develop a plan to make yourself stronger, whether it's taking classes or building a Web site or expanding your horizons.

67.  Didn't all those past masters come from St. Petersburg or Odessa or somewhere in the Baltics?

68.  Didn't matter what the size of your paycheck was or what you had -- or didn't have -- in the bank.

69.  Didn't require a morning news conference to state the nature of his demands for 500 at-bats or a contract extension or additional hot dishes for the clubhouse buffet.

70.  Differences in yield, or spreads, between Argentina's 8.375 percent bonds due in 2003 and comparable U.S. Treasury securities fell 44 percent to 4.55 percent.

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