81.  Air accident investigations will take months.

82.  Alas, such bliss costs several thousand dollars a month, out of range for most of us.

83.  Alexander Krekich indicated that manpower problems would continue at current or lower levels for at least the next few months.

84.  All biennials are best placed in their final quarters by the end of the month, and firm planting is extremely important.

85.  All the hotels in the area are booked up months in advance.

86.  Almost all the banks have been steadily trimming rates over the past couple of months to boost their Margins.

87.  Almost miraculously Herrera recovered after several months of careful attention and rest.

88.  Also during the summer months, one of the Diocesan students for the priesthood came to Lartington on placement.

89.  Although the company hopes for approval this month, Mr Rozells pointed out that the government shutdown presents an obstacle.

90.  Although the Police Department stepped up patrols there several months ago, Brown Decided Friday to call on other agencies.

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