11.  A few months later the divorce procedure was set in motion.

12.  A few months later, a state court sentenced Heber to four additional years.

13.  A few of the very best analysts, months into their new jobs, lost their will to live normal lives.

14.  A few pounds a month will guarantee the loan is repaid if the worst happens.

15.  A final tally will come later this month when the telecommunications giant reports its fourth-quarter results.

16.  A free press burst out of the shadows within a few months of the collapse of the Suharto regime.

17.  A fuel shortage got the holiday season off to a rocky start, and promises to cause further problems this month.

18.  A great resource often remained an unrealized potential for weeks or months after completion.

19.  A litany of nits, ringworm, fleas and unmentionables ... But as the weeks and months passed, everything changed.

20.  A Macintosh version will follow three or four months later.

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